
Dear friends,

We have prepared this map (in Czech) so that you can search and contact schools, dance studios, dance companies, artists and teachers who follow this specific method and use it in art, in teaching, and in other fields.

The goal of the map is to create a support network:
  • for professional artists and teachers of the contemporary Duncan Method
  • for dance and kinetic education within the framework of elementary curriculum in art schools (ZUŠ) and general curriculum (primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities)
  • for members of the general public interested in the method
    • who want to study it as part of their personal development and leisure activities
    • or want to study the contemporary Duncan Method in order to use it in their professional career.
Mapped areas:
  • Art schools (ZUŠ)
  • Dance studios
  • Dance companies
  • Primary schools (dance and kinetic education within the framework of elementary curriculum)
  • Independent artists (artists – choreographers – teachers)
Registration to the map of contacts

Are you a teacher or a professional artist working with the contemporary Duncan Method who would like to be listed on our map? Use our simple registration form (in Czech).