About The Society

The Society for Dance and Artistic Education was founded on January 25, 1990, as the inspiration of Eva Blažíčková.

The Society is a voluntary organisation active in artistic and cultural education. Its activities focus on the young generation and aim at inspiring young people through artistic means to strive for higher humane and ethical goals that would enrich their inner life emotionally and intellectually. The Society organises and produces artistic and cultural educational events, theatre performances, workshops and other projects in the field of Czech and foreign contemporary dance, dance theatre, and dance education. It also publishes informational artistic and cultural educational materials.

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The Society for Dance and Artistic Education was established in the period of new freedom following Velvet Revolution with a clear goal: to initiate the foundation of a school of contemporary dance that would offer a new opportunity for dance education, an alternative to the training provided at ballet conservatories for many decades.

The Society for Dance and Artistic Education, founded on January 25, 1990, was one of the very first Czech civic associations that came into existence after the revolution. The idea of founding a school that would on a professional level develop the unique and valuable legacy of Isadora and Elizabeth Duncan and Jarmila Jeřábková has inspired a number of artists, musicologists, dance theorists, authors, designers, architects and other notable personalities who shared the same idea and joined the project.

In 1990-1992 the Society for Dance and Artistic Education searched for a suitable venue, led a series of negotiations with authorities in promotion of the concept of a new type of dance education, and gathered support for the project. On September 1, 1992, the Duncan Centre Conservatory ceremoniously started its activity.

Thus the Society for Dance and Artistic Education reached its principal goal. Since then it has continued to cooperate closely with the Duncan Centre Conservatory, primarily in those areas where its status of a civic association could be helpful. It has organised dozens of dance performances of Czech and foreign artists, lectures, conferences, seminars, commented screenings of dance-themed films, and it has published a number of publications.

Together with the Duncan Centre Conservatory, the Society for Dance and Artistic Education established the Isadora Duncan Foundation (later the Isadora Duncan Endowment Fund). The foundation was registered on April 5, 1994 and operated till 2014 when the Society for Dance and Artistic Education became its successor organisation.